First We Listen...

giraffes appear to be talking

GFI is a strategic enterprise.
We are Carbon Project Developers with a full package of UN Sustainable Development Goals capability.
We are an Agribusiness.
We are Developers.

The Host Community are our Partners plain and simple.

Sam in GFI tshirt with Mansouh Group

We do business sustainably with host inclusion at our core.

We research. We design...

rows of tropical farming

Then we get to work.

As an agribusiness, protein and crop deficits in the host region are our first targets. We then determine if we can reduce that deficit efficiently and sustainably, then examine what it takes to achieve success while retaining profitability for GFI and its investors.

As developers, in just about every situation where we operate, we know that we will need to bring the expertise and infrastructure to begin anything on the ground. Considering rural Africa, the combination of both scopes into one cohesive working model is an absolute must for success. Which leads to an important question - where does the money come from?​

As Carbon Developers, initial development revenue is derived from the resource of the tropical forest itself - not from cutting or extraction, but from preservation and sometimes a mix of restoration in large swaths of forest. In nature-based carbon revenue schemes it is known as sequestration and reforestation. GFI manages the forest by agreement, in bank trust, and through total transparency and cooperation with the forest community. Carbon and/or Biodiversity credits are then utilized to support the finance needs of community development. In a span that ranges over a few years, developments in the village, training in every phase, increasing the efficiency of the smallholder farmer, and in ticking off one SDG after another, GFI phases down to a lesser but long lasting role as community innovation takes over. In some meaningful capacity we stay on to assist. That is how we do it. That's how all boats rise. That's how the 21st century reaches those who need an entry point.

Ours is a cohesive structure, where continued engagement with the host community allows us to include as many local persons as possible in all development, training, and production processes.​

Sustainability at GFI means all boats rising and excellent care of the environment. We've got the tools. Our Community Hosts, development, and technical partners are amazing people and organizations. And we've got the attitude. Please join us. This journey involves everyone.

Meet The Team...and he's with us.

beautiful lion,stephen,soren, sam, earth in the bg

Søren Næsborg - Aarhus, Denmark

Soren in work jacket

Director, Agriculture & Mechanization

Soren Naesborg is the owner of Agroex A/S Machines and consulting. In Illerup Sogaard, Denmark, he runs a 600 hectare organic crop farm. He is a majority shareholder in a northern Uganda farm, employing more than 75 people on 2000 Hectares producing, Rice, Maize, Sorghum,Soya, and Forestry products.

Email: Soren Naesborg

Visit Northern Uganda Agricultural Centre

Stephen Vance - Ardmore, PA, USA

stephen in sweater

Director, Carbon & Biodiversity Assets

Stephen Vance focuses on growing various energy, software, energy tech, and construction businesses. His former remote monitoring company, Energy Count LLC, was a provider listed on the UNFCCC Bazaar as an energy envelope and boundary monitoring provider.

Email: Stephen Vance

Sam Agbor-Tabi - Yaounde, Cameroon

Sam in african print shirt

Deputy Manager

Samuel Agbor-Tabi holds several positions:
Vice President of the Cameroon Mining Federation; President of the Central African Mining Association (CAMA); Vice President at The Association of Chambers of Mines; and is a board member of Minerals Africa Development Institution (MADI), a Ugandan think-tank focused on African development. Beyond the mining sector, Mr. Agbor-Tabi is also a farmer with holdings in Cameroon. His expertise lies in developing partnerships in various sectors and aligning stakeholders with sustainable development goals.

Email: Sam Agbor-Tabi

The Lion - Hopefully roaming his territory

He represents the land and the creatures on it. He's included because without them in a sustainable and nurturing environment there will be no us. It's that clear. Going forward, all business needs a different attitude if not an entirely new mission that not only looks after the best interests of humanity and one's business goals, but the entire biosphere that humanity belongs to. Our children need us to make this right and far better - today and every day forward.


“You do not really understand something unless you can explain it to your grandmother.” Albert Einstein

brass gears

Here you go, Grandma...

infographic of CAA, DSA, TSA

A Strong Contractual Sequence

1.  CABA  (Carbon Agency & Biodiversity Agreement)

2.  DSA  (Development Services Agreement)

3.  TSA  (Trust Services Agreement)

No Shenanigans.  Pure Transparency.  Trust.

And where every known is known to all stakeholders.  That's everyone in this stucture because we deal with communities and know the residents by name.

GFI has crafted a necessary and most unique business model in the Carbon & Biodiversity space. We are well aware of the other stories. The ones that no one wants in our projects. We encourage investors and other participants in this journey to come in person and visit if you are able. GFI can also create virtual engagements, and see for yourself the great impact that you helped manifest. See the real, on the ground developments of how your investment and participation is shaping a new world and saving the current one - the only one we have.

GFI On the Ground

stephen waves at base of a giant jungle tree

There are many giants of biodiversity like this one in the areas where GFI operates. This picture is from the Upper Congo Basin in Cameroon which should be considered as the left-side lungs of the Earth itself. In boots, I'm six feet, so imagine the true size and mass of this tree and all of the forest creatures known and unknown that depend on it for survival. There are many here in this forest region. They are the guardians and sentinels for the health and breath of this planet. This is what GFI is on course to preserve for the forest communities here and for all the earth. Now more than ever we depend on these forests and all the creatures within them. The carbon markets, although still evolving, have finally reached a state where an organization or individual can have a quality impact. And in some market platforms, with our involvement, the impact can be nearly immediate. Preserving entire forests like this can now enable forest communities, who control these lands, to avoid timber and other ecosystem-damaging extractions. Instead, revenue from preserved, pristine rain forests provides funding for developments in the forest communities. This interaction of carbon markets and the individual forest communities is called a co-benefit. Co-benefits allow sustained growth and entrance into the modern world of clean water, rural electrification, sanitation, the internet, improved healthcare, housing - in essence, relief from rural poverty while providing an invaluable service of conservation, carbon sequestration and or mitigation, and protection. (2022)

small fish in basket

Taking a first look at the suitability of the soil in a savanna area. (2022)

one lady teacher of 50 kids

This amazing lady teaches 50 kids in a school with no electricity, no toilets, no internet, and lately without pay and scant supplies. That's superlative dedication.

Her village forest sequesters 140,000 metric tons/year

a school needs many repairs

This is the school in her village of 700...

But dedication alone is not enough to bring 50 education-hungry children into the modern world that you and yours enjoy. We're going to fix that and we want any business with a carbon debt, ESG or CSR obligation, or any individual or group with a concern to help make that happen.

Contact Us.

We're entering a new world here.

One in which your actions and passion will directly impact necessary and critical developments on the ground while allowing this planet itself a chance to make it. (2022)

gathering soil samples

A village Community Development member showing us around. (2022)

exsposed public toilet of boards

Close to the water table below. This is not uncommon for a public toilet. A very public toilet in this case. GFI has a Basics Package, a development package for every forest community that includes potable water stations, sanitation stations, rural electrification, telecom expansion, general construction, smallholder farming improvements, transfer of skills and literally every UN Sustainable Development Goal that we can hit in full collaboration with the stewards of the forests. Please feel free to Contact Us.

Inquire about GFI's business model, and how our projects integrate into the Carbon and emerging Biodiversity Markets.(2022)

GFI News - Press Release

December 15, 2022

Green Funded Initiatives has engaged Eclipse ER of Quebec, Canada and Douala, Cameroon, to conduct a feasibility study for a PV microgrid in the village of Mansouh (Ngambe Tikar), Cameroon. Once the solar power plant is completed it will be the sole source of electircal power for this rural location and represents a massive step into the world of modern power and LED lighting. One step toward less impact on the forest and 1000 steps toward a new future for the village of Mansouh. The development is part of the GFI business model of all boats rising. Eclipse ER is an Engineering Procurement and Construction company whose goal is to power rural Africa. GFI looks forward to working with Mr. Ismael Touani and his team at Eclipse ER now and in the future.

Ismael at an event



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Heading Level 2

Heading Level 3

Heading Level 4

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Fringilla nisl. Donec accumsan interdum nisi, quis tincidunt felis sagittis eget tempus euismod. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus vestibulum. Blandit adipiscing eu felis iaculis volutpat ac adipiscing accumsan faucibus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus lorem ipsum dolor sit amet nullam adipiscing eu felis.


i = 0;

while (!deck.isInOrder()) {
    print 'Iteration ' + i;

print 'It took ' + i + ' iterations to sort the deck.';



  • Dolor pulvinar etiam.
  • Sagittis adipiscing.
  • Felis enim feugiat.


  • Dolor pulvinar etiam.
  • Sagittis adipiscing.
  • Felis enim feugiat.


  1. Dolor pulvinar etiam.
  2. Etiam vel felis viverra.
  3. Felis enim feugiat.
  4. Dolor pulvinar etiam.
  5. Etiam vel felis lorem.
  6. Felis enim et feugiat.





Name Description Price
Item One Ante turpis integer aliquet porttitor. 29.99
Item Two Vis ac commodo adipiscing arcu aliquet. 19.99
Item Three Morbi faucibus arcu accumsan lorem. 29.99
Item Four Vitae integer tempus condimentum. 19.99
Item Five Ante turpis integer aliquet porttitor. 29.99


Name Description Price
Item One Ante turpis integer aliquet porttitor. 29.99
Item Two Vis ac commodo adipiscing arcu aliquet. 19.99
Item Three Morbi faucibus arcu accumsan lorem. 29.99
Item Four Vitae integer tempus condimentum. 19.99
Item Five Ante turpis integer aliquet porttitor. 29.99


  • Disabled
  • Disabled
